Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Trying again!

As most of you know the first transfer was not successful. Well we are ready to try again! The egg donor has been selected, and cleared, and she started her medications yesterday. I have received my medications in the mail and will start next Wendesday. As strange as this may sound I am actually excited to start my shots. I guess it is just because I know that medications means we are getting closer to our goal of some healthy little babies. We are all so excited to see the positive pregnancy test and the little heartbeats on the sonogram.

Thing are busy as usual around the Shepherd house. Caden started the 1st grade and is doing great. We love his teacher and she loves him!! He is such a good boy! Conner is doing good also, he will be turning for in a few months and will start in pre-k at the beginning of the year. Time flies by so fast. Where have my babies gone?

Aaron is still in paramedic school and is doing amazing!! I am so proud of him and his dedication. Is has a 3.8 gpa and is about half way through now. I can not wait until this crazy schedule is over. We have a lot of goals set for our selves for the next year and starting to see the progress. I will update when we get back from California!

Monday, July 20, 2009

California and the Transfer....

What an amazing time we had in California relaxing, getting to know each other better, and the important thing getting pregnant!! We were scheduled to go to the Doctors office at 6:45am on Sunday morning, and a little bit after we got there we were told that the embryos were not quite ready and we needed to wait another 24 hours.
Well we had already planned on spending the whole day in bed, so now what were we supposed to do? We decided to go the the Ronald Regan library, and then we went to see the house that I grew up in. It was a beautiful day and we spent a lot of time learning about each other and becoming friends. On Monday we went back to the Doctors, hoping and praying that the embryos were now ready! Well it turns out that there was only 1 quality embryo left! We were excited, and nervous and transferred the perfect little embryo. The next 2 day we spent sleeping, relaxing. watching movies and eating!! Room service for every meal!! Wow they sure do take advantage of people that have to eat in the hotel room! Well we had a great time and cant wait to see a positive pregnancy test so we can make sure that the little embryo stuck around!! I will update as soon as we find out the results of the test.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Anniversary and Updates........

So on June 14th Aaron and I celebrated our 13 year dating anniversary, and June 15th we had our 7 year wedding anniversary. We didn't do much, we just went to the movies and relaxed! Next year we decided we want to go on a trip somewhere. The kids and I have been taking advantage of the warm weather, going swimming, playing in the sprinklers, and watching movies! Last night I got my first shot, and it didn't hurt at all. I have to admit I was really nervous, but Aaron did amazing and it didn't hurt! So now I get shots every 3 days until July 6th, when I go to get my blood work and get my ultrasound and check how I am progressing. 19 days until my transfer date!! Yeah!! We are getting so excited!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


So I finally got all of my medications from my Doctor, and wow it is a little bit intimidating! But we are super excited and can't wait until we are actually pregnant! As of right now everything is estimated, but I should be headed to California the week of July 12th for the IVF! I have been good and enjoying time with the kids. We went to the Dallas zoo yesterday and we had so much fun! We are going to try and take the kids to the movies this week. I will do anything to get out of the house!!!!!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

It has been a while.....

Sorry I have not posted in a while, we have been crazy busy and waiting for everything to finalize so we could get the calender from the doctor!! So on Friday I finally got my schedule of medications and estimated date of transfer! It looks like we will be getting pregnant the beginning of July! We will have a more accurate date as it gets closer! We are really excited and can't wait to tell G that we are pregnant! That will be a very exciting day! I am supposed to hear from the Dr in the next few days to learn how to give myself shots, and everything else that goes along with getting pregnant the hard way. Until next time.......

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Contract is Complete!!!

Yeah!!! So our contract is finally complete, and we signed and mailed it off yesterday!! I am so excited and anxious that I can hardly stand it! Maybe I am a little impatient but I am glad that we have that part out of the way! It was actually a lot easier that I thought it would be. Well I e-mailed G yesterday and he is just as excited as we are, and I am sure just as anxious! Now we are just waiting on the doctor to send me all of the medications that I will be taking to get my body ready for the transfer. I will keep everyone posted as we move right a long in this great process. One waiting game over just for another one to begin!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Up to this point Cont.

So after our application was approved, that does not mean that we are automatically in the program. We then had to apply for insurance because normal insurance does not cover surrogacy. Next we had an interview with our case worker, who explained the details with us and made sure that we understood the process in its entirety! It is a very complex journey, but they take there time explaining each step in detail so we know exactly what to expect!

Our 1st trip to California was in the middle of March where we met at the agency for physiological testing, (to make sure we are not crazy), and for a medical examination by the fertility Dr. to make sure that I will be able to carry another baby, and to do our blood work so they screen us for all sorts of things! Everything went great, we had fun, and we even had time to walk on the beach and enjoy some In-N-Out Burger, which we have been craving for a while now! So we were headed home and waiting to be matched!

The agency then sent us profiles of intended parents, and when I read the first one I knew in my heart that this would be the one we would be helping create a family for! So after waiting a for Aaron to get home from work and school so we could discuss it, we came to a decision to schedule a meeting! We then flew to California again on April 9th to meet at the agency! Once again everything went great, we are so excited and can not wait for the next step!

Right now we are waiting on all of the legal work and insurance to be completed and then the real journey shall begin........

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Up to this point...

So as many of you close to me know I have been working on becoming a surrogate for several months now. About a year ago, my sister and I were talking about how there was a possibility that she would not be able to have children. Kind of jokingly we teased about how I could always carry her baby since I loved being pregnant, but did not want any more children of my own! Well a few months later I get a call from Julie letting me know that I would become an Aunt in about 9 months. So on March 19th, 2009 my beautiful niece Kaylin Collette graced us with her presence.

So needless to say Julie no longer needed me to have her children, so I started researching becoming a Gestational Surrogate for another family. I read and read and read about all of the different agencies and reading about other womens experiences and finally decided that this is what I wanted to do. Aaron and I talked about the decision and what all it would ital and so our journey began.....

In November I started my application, the longest of my life, but I knew that is was necessary to provide another family, and me the information we needed to make a good decision on what family would work good with our family! After all we will be creating the greatest gift in the world together!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Journey begins.......

I feel like I am a the luckiest person in the world right now! I have an amazingly supportive husband that I am crazy about, 2 beautiful, sweet, boys that I get to stay home with, and I have just started on my journey of becoming a surrogate mother. We just selected our family and are moving right along in the process! We are so excited and happy that we can help someones dream of becoming a parent a reality! I wanted to create this blog for the intended family and for other women going through it or thinking about going through it, to learn about surrogacy and walk through the process with us!

About Me

My photo
I am a wife and a mother to 2 boys. Caden who is 6 and Conner who is 3. They are the joy, love, stress, and greatest accomplishments of my life! I love to dance, spend time with my friends and family, and one day would love to travel the world with my hubby!



